Here are some questions I hope somebody will ask the candidates today.
I would ask them myself, but you know, it’s the kiss of death when the words pass my lips…
Ask Aletta Waterhouse
- Did the Board vote in executive session to give the GM another bonus after 800+ people complained and petitioned for a vote of no confidence?
- Why didn’t the Board follow the equitable enforcement procedures (notice, hearing, right to present evidence, witnesses, appeal in SCA CC&Rs 7.4, p. 35 and bylaws 3.26, p. 20) when the Foundation was evicted, when SCA forecloses on someone’s home, or when 6 of you kicked Nona Tobin off the Board?
- that are fair to owners except when the Board is taking action against Why as Secretary did you allow the Board to meet in secret (no notice, no agenda) to take actions against owners without giving them a chance to defend themselves?
- Why didn’t you answer any of the complaints against you in the petition calling for an election to remove you from the Board?
- Why did you and Bob Burch recommend to eliminate the Golf Course Liaison Committee, the Communication Committee and gut the Property and Grounds Committee?
- Why did you vote to evict the Foundation Assisting Seniors?
- Why did you refuse to vote for proposed owner-oversight committees that are needed under self-management to control costs and prevent waste and fraud
- Communications
- HR and compensation
- Legal Services
- Investment
- Insurance
- Collections
- Isn’t a little arrogant to use 2-person Board “work groups” as if they would be more knowledgeable and achieve better results than owner-oversight committees comprised of resident experts, like the Finance Committee?
- Why did you ignore it when you personally were put on notice that the former debt collector had filed chapter 7 bankruptcy and SCA was at risk by continuing to contract with their sham successor LLC?
- Why did you join 5 other directors to secretly vote to remove Nona Tobin from the Board when no one signed a petition to remove her, like 800+ people signed to remove you?
- Why have you abdicated policy control over the budget to the GM and the attorney even though our bylaws prohibit it and 2017 legal expenditures were $321,110 instead of the $90,000 budgeted and $38,000 has already been spent for legal fees January 2018 alone?
- Don’t you think having one firm be SCA legal counsel and SCA debt collector is a potential conflict of interest?
- What “Director Issues” cost $39,635 in attorney fees? Dumping Nona Tobin? That’s pretty high for a wham-bam process like a Muslim divorce where the man just says, “I divorce thee” three times and it’s done.
- Why did you let them spend $84,866 for a CPA to do a sloppy job on the recall election when the proponents of the recall supported letting the election Committee do their normal job?
- Why wasn’t there a bidding process for the CPA? Whose friend was he?
- Why should anyone vote for you when you always say that you are just following the advice of counsel?
- Why do we need you, or a Board for that matter, if you let the attorney and the GM take over?
- Why as BOD secretary did you allow the miutes of meetings to be falsified, e.g., to refuse to correct the minutes of the 7/13 executive session. It was not an emergency. You did not notify Nona to attend. The topic was false on this and 7/27 and 8/24. Why is that ok if you benefitted by lying on the official record and by
- that Nona had been excluded and not allowed to vote
Ask 2-year incumbent Robert Burch
Many of the questions to Aletta also could be asked of Bob. He wasn’t the Secretary but he should answer to why he voted me off the island for quiet title litigation when he has the potential conflict of interest that he lived across the street from the house I’m fighting to get back for 15 years, and those neighbors are certainly not neutral.
- Why have you consistently voted against meaningful owner oversight?
- Did you vote in executive session to give the GM a raise for 2018?
- Why do you think the right way to deal with owner complaints is to chastise them at BOD meetings for signing petitions or otherwise legally registering their disapproval of your performance or the GM’s?
- Why did you think you and 5 other BOD members could vote in secret to remove Nona from the BOD and block her from running again when over 800 signatures on a petition to remove you wasn’t deemed legally sufficient to remove you from the BOD?
Ask James Coleman, appointed in fill my seat 9/17
- When and how were you approached to sit on the Board?
- Do you think that your appointment was fair to others who might have wanted to be considered for appointment?
- What were you told was the reason that you could be appointed without any competitive process or notice to owners when the SCA bylaws 3.6 (p. 11) say otherwise?
- When you started last September you talked about values. Is one of your values creating meaningful owner involvement in governance?
- Why do you think having 2-board members be the Board-owner communication work group is more likely to come up with better proposals than a work group that includes owners?
General Questions
- What are your values and principles that would guide your decision-making?
- What do you think you could do to improve the performance of the Board in terms of responsiveness to owner concerns?
- Will you “Go along to get along” or will you speak up if the Board is not protecting the owners first?