Surprise! SCA attorney makes SCA membership pay to lose their voice!
What happened? As I told you last week, I timely filed my application to be a candidate for the Board. Although I meet the legal
Owners should ALWAYS come first!
What happened? As I told you last week, I timely filed my application to be a candidate for the Board. Although I meet the legal
Nothing that I think is really important to tell residents about what happened at the January Board meeting is included in the meeting summary on
Demonstrating all the transparency and humility we have come to expect from our supreme leader, Rex Weddle once again used SCA’s official house organ, the
And what owners can do to make it that way Taking a cue from Jim Mayfield’s article “Distinctions between Governance and Management” re-published below, here
Just saying that the Board acted “on the advice of counsel” doesn’t cut it If the Board learned and followed these simple legal requirements, the
What we can learn from The City of Bell Scandal The Bell scandal involved the misappropriation of public funds in Bell, California, United States over
Owner oversight, the bedrock of good HOA governance, has been decimated by this Board SCA Board has gone a step further than just emasculating owner
SCA agreed to pay $55,000 to settle dispute over $4,400 delinquent dues In his President’s report, Rex reported the Release and Settlement of A-14-702071-C. SCA
Board Communications Task Force Report Rex appointed two Board members (and no owners) to propose solutions to poor Board-owner communications. This is like appointing
It was my birthday and I had a golf clinic at 3:30, but I dragged myself there and listened to the audio of the part