Election Committee was inhospitable, angry even. Nevertheless, I persisted
Today’s SCA Election Committee meeting was an important part of the SCA Board election process because it was the official start of the election process
Owners should ALWAYS come first!
Today’s SCA Election Committee meeting was an important part of the SCA Board election process because it was the official start of the election process
Concord Room Anthem Center 9 AM Tuesday, Feb. 13 Election Committee Board Candidate Orientation Candidates draw for ballot order I’ll be there despite Clarkson’s challenge
Foundation Assisting Seniors 2518 Anthem Village Dr., # 102 (725) 244-4200 FoundationAssistingSeniors.org HENDERSON, Nev. — Established in 2002, the Foundation Assisting Seniors is proud to
Demonstrating all the transparency and humility we have come to expect from our supreme leader, Rex Weddle once again used SCA’s official house organ, the
And what owners can do to make it that way Taking a cue from Jim Mayfield’s article “Distinctions between Governance and Management” re-published below, here
Owner oversight, the bedrock of good HOA governance, has been decimated by this Board SCA Board has gone a step further than just emasculating owner
Board Communications Task Force Report Rex appointed two Board members (and no owners) to propose solutions to poor Board-owner communications. This is like appointing
It was my birthday and I had a golf clinic at 3:30, but I dragged myself there and listened to the audio of the part
The GM is to blame for the big bill – not the SCA owners who must pay it This huge expense is still climbing, but
Here are a few highlights from the October 26 SCA Board meeting that will give you a perspective that the Board tries to suppress. GM