“Heads will roll if lips aren’t sealed about GM pay”
Or, anyway, that was the threat, before… Contact13’s Darcy Spears highlighted Sun City Anthem’s excessive executive compensation on the “HOA Hall of Shame” on Channel 13
Owners should ALWAYS come first!
Or, anyway, that was the threat, before… Contact13’s Darcy Spears highlighted Sun City Anthem’s excessive executive compensation on the “HOA Hall of Shame” on Channel 13
The game goes on…but now they’ve got a scapegoat. I have been dealing with other things this past month, and had not kept up with
Self-management Status Report Tom Nissen described the management company’s (FSR) deficiencies that motivated the Board in 2015 to decide to go to self-management. He said
Stuff that should be on the Board agenda, but is not… GM performance and compensation is not on the open agenda but it is on
The recent open letter attorney Clarkson wrote attempted to justify the SCA’s Board’s actions against the Foundation Assisting Seniors (FAS). It was very disheartening. It
Removing a Director LEGALLY is really hard to do Predictably, the removal election did not succeed despite over 1,200 unit owners voting to remove Rex
We have another covert systemic type of elder abuse going on right here at SCA. We have all of the problems endemic to Nevada HOAs
Last June I did not think passing around recall petitions was a good idea. I thought it was a fool’s errand – disruptive and doomed
I have heard many SCA homeowners talk about the recall election and their main focus of concern seems to be the cost of removing Rex,
The biggest reason Rex, Aletta, and Tom should be voted off the Board is that they chastise owners who have concerns about GM performance and