Let them eat cake: learning how to be fair
When I was 12, my mother was killed in an United Airlines plane crash, leaving by father bereft with six kids ages 5 – 16
Owners should ALWAYS come first!
When I was 12, my mother was killed in an United Airlines plane crash, leaving by father bereft with six kids ages 5 – 16
Self-management is right. Implementation is wrong. Mr. Fox, Esq., has been hired to watch the chickens. The family dog has been left alone with the owners’
My granddaughter is six now, but a while ago, she loved knock-knock jokes. Her favorite one was apropos of the SCA Board race. Knock-knock. Who’s
And not how he exposed himself… Last night during the Oscars, the comment, “If you can’t trust your agents, who can you trust?” got a
I have to take back what I said about the restaurant. I can’t recommend any one of the three bidders. The process being used was
SCA’s secret, but tried and true, recipe Preparation time: 3 years to never Chefs: 1 GM + 2-member Board work group handpicked by the king
Two years the restaurant has been closed, and the process being used by the GM and a couple of Board members to make a decision
Who is running and deemed eligible? 10 owners self-nominated for the Board 7 cleared whatever vetting the GM and attorney dreamed up 2 did not
Here are some questions I hope somebody will ask the candidates today. I would ask them myself, but you know, it’s the kiss of death
My latest rejection letter I’ll translate it from legalese into what they are really saying are my fatal flaws: The Election Committee and the GM