Lesson 1 from April 26 BOD meeting
“What gets us into trouble is not what we don’t know. It’s what we know for sure that just ain’t so.” -Mark Twain
Blame the bloggers
At least the first hour of the meeting was dedicated to blaming bloggers for all that is wrong, including the loss of SCA property values. It was a stunning example of how the Board marches lock-step against owners rights and reflexively resists holding itself and the GM accountable for fixing problems of their own making.
Board beliefs vs. an alternative point of view
Tom Nissen listed his beliefs – all concerns shared by the Board – as his parting gift to the membership.
My beliefs offer another, albeit unwelcome, perspective, to show the way I think the Board and GM could better create value for owners.
Click here to link to the article about the UNLV study on HOA foreclosures referenced above.
Next time, I’ll share with you my planned request to correct the false and defamatory statements in the April SCA litigation reports. I didn’t speak up at the meeting because I was afraid I’d get lynched for complaining.
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