Officer elections over in a flash
- No competition
- No owner input
- No surprise
- No hope
President Bob Burch
Vice president Rex Weddle
Secretary Candace Karrow
Treasurer Forrest Quinn
Why was last year’s officer election so bitter?
Simple answer. I committed the ultimate sin.
I volunteered to fix what I saw wasn’t working right in the transition to self-management. I told them the truth.
Unfortunately, changing the tone at the top means regime change.
OMG! Shut up!! You did not!
Yes, I did. Unlike this year’s newbies, I was totally unaware of SCA’s political realities. I never dreamed that volunteering to share my expertise would be treated as a capital offense.
How low will they go?
Frankly, I was surprised to see that Rex and his cronies would do anything – even break the law- to crush a political opponent.
And yet, here we are.
We have a full year of evidence that proves this point. This past year, we have seen VERY clearly many examples of how they have spared no expense (owners’ money, of course) to keep a death grip on the reins of power.
So, Dona Quixote, what did you say to tick them off?
I told them the incumbents were the bottom vote-getters so it was…
“a mandate to improve the effectiveness of the Board as a unified governing body“
That’s really bad. What other evil did you spew?
I caused an uproar of outrageous indignation when I said that the vote showed an interest in changing the “tone at the top”
Yes, horrible as it was, I also said
the Board needed to be trained together to be guided by common, articulated goals.
You said what!!?
Actually, what I said is exactly what happened. The Board predictably devolved.
“…(absent proper training)…this Board will predictably devolve and return to a pattern of making backroom deals, abdicating its policy role to management, creating dissent in the community, and interfering with operational decisions which should legitimately be handled by staff.“
Examples of how my fears were realized.Obviously, you can’t be trusted to keep a secret.
Snitches get stitches.
On the advice of counsel
Unbelievably, Adam Clarkson or his underling, John Aylor, said these things directly or helped the GM and her buddies on the Board do them.
- the Board can act without voting
- the GM has rights that exceed those of the membership
- directors facing recall have more control over the recall election than directors who were not named in petitions because the attorney says so
- it is okay for the GM to use the attorney however she likes, including to get rid of a director who is too nosy about her pay and protecting the directors who like her from getting recalled
- owners must pay whatever the GM and the attorney say
You are so arrogant and mean, and you lie.
Even if I were arrogant and mean, I am not lying. Everything I say, I will eagerly say under oath.You deserved to be kicked off because, obviously, you are making a profit from doing this.
Seriously. They said that.
No decent Board member should have to work with you.
Well, that hurts.
It shows how stunningly effective a marketing campaign to demonize me has been. It persuaded a lot of people to agree with both that unfair assessment of me and with the ridiculous claim that other directors are above me and special.
It’s really sad, but the smear tactics have been led by,
Guess who?
current and former members of the Board, with the full support of the GM and the attorney, and funded by guess-whose money.
I was forced to become a blogger to respond to GM-initiated defamation and threats of litigation.
And now, Rex put out another self-righteous editorial claiming that it is the bloggers that have destroyed our property values.
Since Rex has aggressively blocked anyone having equal time to debate his self-serving prostelyzing on the Spirit, the website or at meetings or any other forum, the only way to get the other side of the story out is to blog.
Will Bob write patronizing, insulting President’s reports?
If his diatribes during director comment periods at Board meetings are any indication, he will invest a great deal of energy in verbally assaulting anyone who disagrees with him that tries to speak up.
But, I’m pretty sure the deal he made with Rex, our new Vice -President, was to be a version of co-Presidents so Rex can keep a grip of the reins.
By my best guess, as far as the written word goes, Rex will continue to treat the Spirit as his personal snide blog as he ghost writes the President’s reports next year for Bob.
Previously, Bob complained that he finds writing boring when, on May 1, 2017, immediately before I disturbed the peace of last year’s pre-determined officer election, he wrote
“I have no desire to be President. In my entire military and civilian careers, I have never found writing reports or articles in magazines very interesting. Therefore, writing monthly Spirit articles, monthly Board meeting recaps, etc., is not something I would look forward to doing.”
So, President this year,
Way to take one for the team, Bob.
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