2016 Court hearings

September 29, 2016 hearing Judge Kishner

Nona Tobin & Steve Hansen 7/29/16 motion to intervene into A-16-730078-C

7/29/16 Tobin/Hansen MINV link to PDF
8/30/16 OPPM link to PDF Joseph Hong’s opposition to 7/29/16 Tobin/Hansen MINV

Hong opposed the Tobin/Hansen 7/29/16 motion to intervene because the proposed pleadings weren’t attached. Hong did not oppose Nationstar’s 4/12/16 motion to intervene on the basis of no attached pleadings.

9/9/16 Tobin reply to Hong’s opposition link to PDF
9/23/16 AFFD Nona Tobin sworn affidavit in support of motion to intervene challenges both Nationstar and Jimijack’s ability to prove their title claims
9/29/16 Amended Transcript link to PDF

9/29/16 minutes

9/29/16 video link

December 20, 2016 hearing Judge Kishner

11/15/16 motion to intervene Nona Tobin, an individual, and as trustee of the Gordon B. Hansen Trust, dated 8/22/08

Link to PDF 11/15/16 motion to intervene by Nona Tobin, an individual, and as trustee of the Gordon B. Hansen Trust, dated 8/22/08
Link to PDF 12/5/16 OPPM filed by Joseph Hong to Nona Tobin, an individual, and as trustee of the Gordon B. Hansen Trust, dated 8/22/08
Link to PDF 12/12/16 Nona Tobin Reply to Joseph Hong’s opposition

12/20/16 Transcript link to PDF

12/20/16 minutes link to PDF

12/20/16 video

1/12/17 NEO order granting Nona Tobin leave to intervene pursuant to NRCP 24(a)(2) Intervention by right

Rule 24.  Intervention

      (a) Intervention of Right.  On timely motion, the court must permit anyone to intervene who:

             (2) claims an interest relating to the property or transaction that is the subject of the action, and is so situated that disposing of the action may as a practical matter impair or impede the movant’s ability to protect its interest, unless existing parties adequately represent that interest.

NRCP 24(a)(2)